A Warm Voice from the Darkness

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By: Kam
A single beam of light insinuated itself into the pitch-black room, cutting through the darkness like a blade. The moon rises and shines in the room. Its light is abnormally bright, tonight. A dark figure's fingers rest on the outside of a window sill, creating a shadow that illuminates the room full of darkness. The window slowly opens and stops. The cold air creeps into the bedroom. A child lies in a small bed. He curls up in his blanket. The chilling air pierces his back, and he starts to shiver. The old, wooden floor creaks and the child opens his eyes, startled by the noise. He sits up in his bed and grabs the flashlight from under his pillow. He turns on the flashlight and shines it at his closet. The closet is cracked.

"Who's there," the child asks.

Nothing but the sound of silence is heard. The child shines the flashlight at the window. He notices the window, slightly open. His flashlight in hand and blanket on his back, he gets out of bed. His bare feet touch the chilling floor. He cautiously walks to the window and closes it, and shivers once more.

"Are you cold?" the silence calls.

"Who said that?" the child exclaimed.

The Closet door creaked open and the figure asked, "Would you like to be warm?"

The Child nodded yes nervously to the figure.

"Take my hand and you will be warm."

The darkness holds out his hand. His long, lanky fingers extended into the light of the moon.

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