Bella my Bull Dog
By Alonna Jones

My human! She is home, finally! I jump onto the gate that locks me in this linoleum fortress. She smiles at me and pets my head, she always pets my head. She talks to me so kindly, but I don't understand what she speaks. Oh well, she's here and she gives me treats! Then whenever it's dinner time they sit in the living room. They won't let me there because I jump onto the eldest human when she sleeps. I don't weigh that much! Y'all are the ones who feed me. Every time I see my humans eating I stare at them with one eye. It creeps them out, then I love to growl at them for hours because they didn't share. When I use the bathroom, I get thirsty, or I'm hungry I bark. Then the eldest human complies to my demands. I am a queen. NO! I'm a god! The humans bow down to me and do my wishes. Then when I get sleepy I lay down in front of the gate so the humans can't eat or use the restroom. They probably did something I didn't like to deserve it. When I see that it's black outside I love to bark until it's light. Then when the light comes out I sleep. I enjoy sleeping, but I don't want anyone else sleeping.
I don't understand why the humans don't want my hugs. I jump onto them and they occasionally fall, big deal. If they can't take the heat, get out of MY kitchen. This is my area, I don't want anyone else here. Although, you must feed me; I might let you inside then. I can't play with the other dogs, they're too small. When I see my humans holding the little puppies I get angry. I don't want my humans holding them. Those puppies are small enough to be food, don't feed them. FEED ME! They get irritated and bark back at me sometimes. Especially the younger humans, they think they're so funny. No, I must ruin their night by waking the eldest human. I shall not allow them to watch their 'animes' they talk about every day. Why don't they give me more attention? They should drop out of that thing called school to spend more time with me.
The human that always smells of cotton candy is here, I must follow her to the bathroom. She doesn't mind when I jump on her, but the other humans do. Then there's one young male human who comes occasionally. He calls me stupid so I escape my fortress and tackle him when he sleeps. I want to lick his face and wake him up with my spit. His ears taste good too. He says I'm fat; well, he doesn't weigh enough! I see them celebrate with human food all the time. It looks delicious, and smells good too. I want this thing called cake they talk about so much. I am the ruler of this house, the humans can't say otherwise. Of course, they must feed me first before I rule them.