You're Not Skinny
By Gracie Smavik
You're not skinny
is what becomes etched in my head,
in my brain.
It keeps calling to me 140 140 140.
What's gonna be next 150 160 170?
It keeps adding,
it keeps bulging,
all I can do is picture the flab,
the arms.
the fat
just growing and growing until I'm swallowed.
I'm swallowed and no one can hear me
because I'm buried buried in this skin.
Everyone screams skinny skinny!
And all my mind hears is
What does this madness do to take a toll?
Oh just nothing, I'm not fat you say ?
When your size doesn't fit society take a step on the scale
and see that when the numbers add up you'll finally understand.
That flabs of skin are more than just a flaw.
It is life.
It is the only thing that matters anymore.
I should not be defined by the ideal image.
But when that image is the only one shown.
You learn to want be it.
No matter how different of that image you are to become.